Find some ways to get rid of a bruise

14/06/2014 15:02

It is important to know about what a bruise is and what causes it. Are you clear about the causes of bruises? Yes, it is clear that is caused by the rupture of the tiny blood vessels under the skin. Is the bruise remains longer on the skin surface even after the release of blood clot and pain beneath the skin surface. There are several methods to remove the bruise rapidly or else you can cover them with the cloth so that no one visualizes it.  This article lists you details about how to get rid of bruises.

Here are some of the ways to get rid of a bruise. They are

Immediately after a bruise occurs, you should apply the cold compress method to get rid of a bruise immediately even it completely removes the red mark on the skin surface.

If you want to hide the bruise from inquisitive eyes then you can apply the concealer, which is a light layer over the affected area of the skin, so that no one observes the nasty bruise on the skin.

It is important to know about the protective clothing which may prevent the occurrence of bruise on the skin surface. Some of the perfect clothing are long pants, shoes, long sleeves and so on. If you are getting a bruise often and often on your body then it is best to consult with the doctor and do some treatments to get rid of the bruise completely.

One of the methods to get rid of a bruise is using aspirins. But it is not used too much because it causes more harm to the bruises. Aspirin causes the tiny blood vessels to contract and makes the blood to spit out of the skin through the blood vessels. So it is said to be  very careful in taking the aspirins for get rid of bruises.